When to Treat an Injury with Ice Vs. Heat?
Overview According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 4 Americans is affected by joint pain. Out of that 25 percent, 15 million individuals suffer from severe arthritis. Moreover, half of the adults diagnosed with arthritis experience persistent pain at all times. As you can see, these numbers are terrifying, and […]
What are the most commonly practiced orthopedic surgeries in sports medicine?
Sports medicine is designed to improve athletic performance, treat, and prevent injuries. If you are athletic, you have to rely on medicine to maintain your health and fitness. Injuries always seem to part of an athlete’s life. Orthopedic surgery is a significant part of sports medicine. These surgeries especially deal to treat musculoskeletal problems such […]
Reasons to Visit a Sports Medicine Specialist
There are many athletes who have impressed all of us with their amazing performances. They have gained fame and fortune, but at a cost of tremendous determination, focus, and hard work put into the training sessions. These sessions help increase their abilities but also leave them vulnerable to injuries. This is one of the major reasons […]
Tips to Prevent Sports Injuries
Engaging in active sports can be exciting, fun, thrilling and adrenaline-generating for numerous athletes. In addition, participating actively in sports like football, volleyball, basketball, swimming, or rugby has a myriad of health benefits. Participating in active sports can result in strong bones, muscles, and tendons, strengthened immune systems, improved blood flow, reduced stress, better sleep […]