head injuries

Is Exercise good for Brain Health

Is exercise good for Brain Health? Absolutely! Aside from keeping your body fit, physical exercise can benefit brain health in many ways. That’s a win-win! We hit the gym a few times a week, run, or partake in physical activities to keep our bodies’ fit.  We also continue learning new tasks, enjoy crossword puzzles, or take […]

Medicine for Motion

Lubbock Sports Medicine provides Orthopedic, Regenerative, and Rehab treatment in Lubbock, TX.”MEDICINE FOR MOTION”LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE SOUTH PLAINS, LUBBOCK SPORTS MEDICINE IS YOUR PREMIER SPORTS MEDICINE AND REHAB CENTER.  OUR KNOWLEDGEABLE AND FRIENDLY STAFF IS HERE TO TREAT YOUR ACTIVE LIFESTYLE ORTHOPEDIC INJURIES! Sports Injury Treatments for Active Lifestyles:Our specialty day in and day out is Sports […]

ImPACT program for Head Injuries

Head Protecting your head has become of increasing importance in sports today. With our expertise and certified ImPACT clinicians, Lubbock Sports Medicine is the leading source for treatment of sports-related head injuries on the South Plains. Stan Kotara, PA, has been working with the ImPACT program with great success.  Patient EducationConcussionImPACTHelmet SafetyReturn To PlayConcussion Management Treatments Head Injury TreatmentConcussion TreatmentHelmet […]