Golf Sports Medicine and the prevention of joint injury are of the upmost importance to nailing that impossible Golf Shot.
When Common sense usually rules the day, here are a few tips to help keep your stroke on-par. It all starts with the warm-up. Getting your body prepared for the links will not only help prevent a twisted knee, wrenched back, or kinked neck; it will also help maximize your body's movements and probably give you a much more enjoyable game.
The typical warm-up session should last around 10 - 15 minutes, and should include gentle stretching and gradually increasing the blood flow throughout the body. Start slow and build up to a more brisk pace toward a light to moderate cardio. Remember to stretch and work out the main golf-related areas, such as the hips, knees, shoulders, neck, ankles, and back. Arm circles and hip twists are good options for those specific areas.
Properly warming up will increase body flexibility of the joints and muscle fibers, which will help mitigate the risk of pulling or straining a muscle or incurring a painful joint injury.
A full day of golf (even using a cart) can take a lot out of a person. Usually, completing 18 holes involves a good bit of sun and a certain amount of walking, and for some of us, countless strokes. Along with a good warm-up to help your game, so does a good diet. Good fuel intake means more energy and concentration on the course. Here's a list of good joint-healthy foods.
If you already have a tender knee or elbow, work it out the best you can before you play, and consider a quality compression brace. These are flexible, elastic bandages that help lock in the weakened joint or tendon, and can minimize the stress that may placed on the affected area. There are hundreds of styles to choose from, so look for one that offers broad coverage. Also, remember that your joint has been compromised, so it may not be a great idea to try for that 300 yard drive - at least while you are still not 100%.
If you do have a weakened joint or tendon and the pain persists, it may be prudent to have it checked out by a qualified Orthopedic Doctor Aside from an effective evaluation of your ailment, the specialist may suggest a series of sports rehab sessions. If you want to get better quicker, a top Physical Therapist can absolutely work wonders!
So, don't forget the warm-up, eat smart, protect yourself against current or potential injuries, and "Tee it Up"!
Disclaimer: This information is provided as an educational service, and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Anyone seeking seeking specific medical advice or assistance should consult his or her doctor or orthopedic surgeon.
Lubbock Sports Medicine
4110 22nd Place Lubbock, TX 79410
(806) 792-4329