Sports Lubbock

5 tips to stay motivated in life

Undoubtedly, we are living in a dynamic world. We love to see the dynamicity around and work hard to get the absolute most success out of our efforts. To work hard is good, and we all appreciate it, but sometimes there comes the point when we feel ourselves falling into a funk. And, the situation […]

Know the Best Sleeping “Direction” for Your Health

A different point of view from an Indian Direction Guru. We all love to sleep, and sometimes, we even break our own sleep-in records! But, did you know that the direction in which you sleep may play a significant role in maintaining your health? According to Vastu Shashtra, a traditional Indian guide to directions, architecture […]

There have been several research journals that have been published documenting the relation between sleep and the body’s functions. To sum up, good quality sleep has been associated with higher performance, healthier individuals, and happier life. When we take...

Lessons to Reap From Professional Baseball

Many people are drawn to baseball because of its competitive nature and the loyalty that it demands from fans associating themselves with a team. Like with many sports, baseball offers many lessons for both youth and adults. Teamwork The success of a team is greatly dependent on how the team members gel with each other’s’ […]

What Are Some Good Low Impact Exercises To Do At Home?

Low impact exercise refers to the kind of exercises where one foot stays in contact with the ground while the other is actively involved in the exercise. The exception would be swimming. These kinds of exercises are ideal for over-weight people, those new to exercises, older people, pregnant women and those suffering from illness such […]

Orthopedic Care

What is the first thing you think of when you hear the term orthopedic care? Most of us think of professional athletes and the sports injuries they often endure. This is part of what orthopedic care entails. However, it is broad and extends to those who are involved in regular exercises to keep fit and […]

Common Sports Supplements

What are some common supplements to Achieve My Sports Goal? It is a known fact that you can add muscle by simply eating right and lifting weights. However, if you want to truly maximize your growth potential, there are many over the counter sports supplements that might help you achieve your goals. Supplements are a […]

5 Tips to Alleviate Back Pain

A good part of the population, whether sports enthusiasts or not, have suffered from back pain at some point in their lives. No matter what the initial cause, dealing with back pain is not easy, and often times lasts for months or even longer. Typical causes of back pain include auto accidents, lifting of heavy […]