A different point of view from an Indian Direction Guru.
We all love to sleep, and sometimes, we even break our own sleep-in records! But, did you know that the direction in which you sleep may play a significant role in maintaining your health? According to Vastu Shashtra, a traditional Indian guide to directions, architecture and knowledge, there are some particular sleeping directions that we may want to follow to help attain a night of better-relaxed sleep.
Straightforwardly, here a list of everything you need to know about the best sleeping directions for your health.
Always Sleep Towards South
According to Vastu Shashtra, the most suitable direction to sleep for a more heavy sleep is towards the South. It is essential to keep your head in the South direction for better health. It leads to a happy life and helps you to stay away from sleep disorders and headache problems. It is because the South of the Earth is negatively charged and our head as positive. Altogether, there arises a flow of energy that promotes better health, happiness, and prosperity.
Never Sleep In the North Direction
Do not sleep with your head placed in the North direction. If you have a habit of sleeping with your head in the North direction, you may want to change things up a bit. A North position may “cause harm and can be critical for your health”, according to Shashtra. As the North of the earth is positively charged, and so is the head of humans, both positives together become a detriment to the overall health. Moreover, sleeping in this direction may make you feel sleep-deprived all the time.
You Can Try Sleeping Towards East
Keeping your head in the East is also a good option for your health and can be beneficial. It is said that sleeping in the East direction is the second-best choice after the south direction as it helps in increasing the memorizing ability and concentration of the person. So, if you cannot manage to sleep with your head in the south, then try keeping it in the east direction.
Say No to West
According to the Vastu Shashtra, sleeping while your head placed in the West direction can give you unpleasant dreams. It can also cause you to change sleep positions all-night and may appear as a hidden reason for anxiety and depression.
Some Closing Thoughts
As per Vastu Shastra, every direction except the North (and less so, West) is suitable for you. Often, people feel disturbances in their life and suffer insomnia, but they skip observing the primary causes of the problem. While the correct amount of sleep is required to relax your body and brain, if we look forward, it is even needed to heel your body of pains and sufferings. But, that happens only when you follow a proper routine. Using the mobile phone while in bed and listening to loud music with earphones often disturbs your sleeping flow and makes you lose the benefits of a deep sleep, which the universe happily makes available to you. Happy Dreams!
Here’s to your health!
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Disclaimer: This information is provided as an educational service only, and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Anyone seeking specific medical advice or assistance should consult his or her doctor or orthopedic surgeon.